Room Lease Agreements Legal Forms

Room Lease Agreements FAQ
What is a Room Lease Agreement?
If you own a residence and want to rent out a single room to someone, you would use a Room Lease Agreement to put the deal between the both of you down on paper. This contract has all of the hallmarks of a typical Residential Lease Agreement – deposits, description of premises, etc. – but applies only to a very specific set of circumstances.
Using a Room Lease Agreement will afford both landlord and tenant (the two parties involved in the contract) the opportunity to put their agreement down on paper and set out the entire terms of the lease. This lease will not only act as a guide for responsibilities and duties while the lease is running, but will outline what will happen should either side not live up to the responsibilities they agreed to.
Why can’t I just use a Residential Lease Agreement?
A Residential Lease Agreement is indeed a wide-ranging document that can apply to a high number of situations, from home rentals to apartment rentals. However, the specific issues of renting out only one room of a residence will necessitate a different contract. For example, is the room furnished or unfurnished? It will help to have a Room Lease Agreement that specifies which. As you read through your Room Lease Agreement, you’ll also find that there are other details that you might not have thought of which are not covered in a standard Residential Lease Agreement.
What’s the difference between Furnished and Unfurnished?
In your search for a Room Lease Agreement that fits your situation, you may have noticed that there are essentially two types of Room Lease Agreements: those for unfurnished rooms and those for furnished rooms. Simply put, the difference between these two types of contracts is that one contract is used for a room already outfitted with furniture (such as a bed) while the other is used for a room that has not been thusly outfitted.
Because of the implication that the furniture used to furnish a room is part of the lease, the existence of a furnished room will require a separate contract than that of an unfurnished room. Typically the differences between these contracts are not vast and complicated, but will simply be used to match the circumstances in each case.
What kind of provisions can I expect to see in a Room Lease Agreement?
You’ll see quite a few, which is why it pays to read through each part of the agreement before you (either in your role as the landlord or tenant) decide to move forward. Here are some of the provisions you can expect:
- Parties: A description of the parties as well as the title they’ll each be taking throughout the rest of the contract.
- Leased Premises and Term: A description of the room to be rented as well as the overall terms of the lease.
- Use: This will spell out in simple terms how the property is to be used and may expand in detail on what uses are forbidden.
- Rent Payments (and Late Charges): This details the amount of rent to be paid, when it will be paid, as well as the process for when rent is late.
- Security Deposit: Outlines the amount of the security deposit and the terms of its return.
- Defaults, Utilities, and Pets: Though these may be separated into separate provisions, each of these will lay out the terms for the lease regarding each relevant subject.
- Furnishings Liabilities: This only exists in the case of a Room Lease Agreement for Furnished Rooms.
As a tenant, what should I look for in a Room Lease Agreement?
You’ll want to make sure that all of the above provisions are included in the lease (excepting, of course, furnishing liabilities if you are renting an unfurnished room). The more comprehensive the lease, the better – your landlord’s duties should be spelled out in explicit detail, as should yours. This will help you clearly understand your role as the tenant and know your options should you be unable to make rent in the future.
As a landlord, what should I look for in a Room Lease Agreement?
Similar to the above; you’ll want a comprehensive agreement that allows you the ability to set forth any of the terms you want to establish before the lease. The more options you have, the better. The language of the document should be in legal but simple language so that there is as little room for interpretation as possible.
Do I need a Room Lease Agreement for my state?
Yes. Each state has its own regulations for handling the leasing of residential property, so you’ll want to only use forms that conform to your state’s statues and codes. If you’re a residential property owner, you’ll also want to be sure that you use a contract intended for the state in which your property is located.
When is a Room Lease Agreement valid and enforceable?
A Room Lease Agreement is valid once filled out and signed between two consenting adults. The landlord has to have ownership of the property, of course, to validly and legally rent it out. Once signed, the Room Lease Agreement will be considered enforceable as well, though the terms of the lease date may necessitate that any enforceability should occur after some terms have come to pass. (For example, it is difficult to sue a tenant for late rent next month.)
When is a Room Lease Agreement effective?
A Room Lease Agreement will be effective once it’s signed and continues to be effective thereafter, though if both sides live up to their ends of the contract and the term of the lease runs out, the contract has essentially lost its effectiveness.